All in a Day’s Work

With Belshazzar off the scene, Daniel’s employer has changed for the third time in the book. We’ve turned the page to a new chapter, and Daniel 6, like the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in chapter 3, is one of the best-known stories in the book: Daniel in...

God Just Might Be a Lefty

People have asked me on occasion why I like Hebrew (the language of the Old Testament) better than Greek (the language of the New Testament). There’s a variety of ways to answer this question, but today’s answer is that Hebrew is friendly to lefties. If you’ve had the...

The Folly of Flunking History

I have kept Daniel waiting in the wings too long. The queen has made her speech, Belshazzar has made his, and Daniel has been patiently waiting his turn while I’ve done this, that, and the other for the past couple weeks. Today’s the day. Bring the man on stage and...

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