by Wendy Widder | Jan 22, 2012 | Daniel 2, The Book of Daniel
The statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is “mighty and of exceeding brightness” (2:31, ESV), and generally gets the most attention when people consider Daniel 2. Its commentary on world history and its prophetic value for understanding future events have been charted and...
by Wendy Widder | Jan 11, 2012 | Daniel 2, The Book of Daniel
One of my favorite Steve Martin scenes takes place in the bread aisle of the supermarket where he has been sent on an errand to buy hot dog buns. Annoyed by the fact that hot dogs come in packs of eight and buns come by the dozen, he flips out and rips open the bun...
by Wendy Widder | Dec 19, 2011 | Babylon, Daniel 1, Daniel 2, The Book of Daniel
It’s your lucky day. A while back I threatened to give you more information about some men in the king’s court, specifically, the “magicians and enchanters” (1:20). We’ve reached the second appearance of these characters, so the time has come, ready or not. After his...
by Wendy Widder | Dec 15, 2011 | Babylon, Daniel 2, The Book of Daniel
A grumpy king means trouble for everyone, and in the second chapter of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar is out for blood on account of a bad night’s sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation isn’t the cause of his tirade (though it probably didn’t hurt); it’s what caused the...
by Wendy Widder | Nov 10, 2011 | Babylon, Daniel 1, How to read the Bible, The Book of Daniel
I have enough failed resolutions in my life to appreciate the difference between making up my mind to do something and then actually getting it done. Daniel makes up his mind in 1:8 not to eat what the king is serving – but actually keeping his resolution without...
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