I have a favorite childrenโ€™s book entitled Tuck Everlasting. It weaves an interesting tale of โ€œwhat if?โ€ What if there really was a Fountain of Youth? What if we could pick a perfect age and stop aging forever at that point?

After the first couple of chapters, it sounds pretty appealing and the ten-year-old students to whom I always read it loved the thought of being 16 or 21 or 25 forever. What could be better??

โ€œWhat could be worse?โ€ is the point of the book. Without change there is no growth; without growth there is no life. According to some geometric law I learned a long time ago, then, without change there is no life. Change is the process of becoming whatever it is God wants me to become. The last thing I want to do is try to stop that process. Thatโ€™s where real life, abundant life, is found.

Iโ€™ve just come through a painful season of change that has landed a born and bred Midwestern girl in the Pacific Northwest. On Tuesday I go to work doing a new job in a new town with new colleagues – the change will continue for months to come. I donโ€™t pretend the ongoing change will be easy, but nonetheless, I welcome it. It means thereโ€™s a life in progress.

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