

the blog


On the Road: The Psalms of Ascent

Studies in Psalms 120-134,  a set of pilgrimage songs.

Wayside Stops

Reflections prompted by life circumstances.

Holding the Flashlight

Assorted tips and helps for Bible study.

The Book of Daniel

Studies in Daniel 1-7 . . . where my blog began!

Recent Posts

My Most Unlikely Date

It wasn’t my most memorable date (that would require something worse than puking or better than a limo), but it was my most unlikely date. After three failed attempts to find company for a friend’s swing band concert, I was about to give up and just stay home. Then,...

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Hymn, Her, and Other Matters That Matter

While most churches don’t crack open hymnals anymore (if they even have them), the ones I’ve been part of typically still sing an array of songs found therein. (This is probably a contributing factor to my membership at said churches.) But I love books, so even when...

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A New Edition!

A New Edition!

It's not available until sometime next spring, but a new edition of Living Whole is in the works and can be pre-ordered now. Here is the preface to the new edition: Writing this book changed my life. I suppose some people who have been changed by writing a book write...

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Reading between the Lines (or Lions)

Sometimes the Bible is outright confusing to us (for example, the bit about the sons of God marrying the daughters of men in Gen 6 - that's a head-scratcher). Other times, it is refreshingly straightforward and clear (for example, the bit about God being the creator)....

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Taking and Making Opportunity

Daniel 6 is the last of the narrative (i.e., story) chapters in the book before we move into the apocalyptic/prophetic half of the book (chs. 7–12). It’s also part of the block of Aramaic text we’ve talked about before, and in this Aramaic chiasm, the story of Daniel...

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Darius the Precarious

"We've got some news, good King Darius We fear your position is precarious" These opening lines from the Veggie Tales song set in Daniel 6 are truer than the songwriters may have known. One of the many conundrums in the book of Daniel is the identity of Darius the...

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On a spring weekend more than four years ago, I made an impromptu trip home to Milwaukee. Impromptu trips were fairly common during the years I lived in Madison, since it was an easy 90-minute drive with no Chicago traffic in sight. But this trip had a special...

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