

the blog


On the Road: The Psalms of Ascent

Studies in Psalms 120-134,  a set of pilgrimage songs.

Wayside Stops

Reflections prompted by life circumstances.

Holding the Flashlight

Assorted tips and helps for Bible study.

The Book of Daniel

Studies in Daniel 1-7 . . . where my blog began!

Recent Posts

All the King’s Not-Quite-Yet Men

Last time I thrilled you with a roll call of King Nebuchadnezzar’s staff. I’m sure you’ve been checking back hourly to see if I’ve written more of this compelling material. At the risk of disappointing you, I thought I’d write next about the guys you actually care...

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All the King’s Men

Daniel is the most famous person in the book of Daniel, followed by Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach-Meshach-and-Abednego, but before he rises to fame, we encounter a number of his handlers. Chapter 1 introduces us to a cadre of officials with cameo appearances. In verse 3...

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An Ancient Hyperlink

Hyperlinks aren’t really anything new under the sun. A book as ancient as the Bible has its own kind of hyperlink – though, unfortunately, they aren’t underlined in blue. You just have to pay close attention to notice them. There’s one in Daniel 1:2. “And the Lord...

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Don’t Miss This! (Daniel 1)

Sometimes you can miss the first few minutes of a movie or even the first few pages of a book, and you can still catch up pretty easily. This is not the case in the book of Daniel. If you read too quickly past the first 2 verses of chapter 1, you miss the key to the...

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The Great Date Debate

I feel a sense of professional responsibility to write this particular post, though I am prepared for all of you except my sister to bail out before the end. Prove me wrong... If you have spent any time studying the book of Daniel with the aid of commentaries, books,...

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Danny Boy of Babylon

I’ve spent a lot of time this week thinking about death and my dissertation. (Sometimes I’ve thought I would experience death by dissertation, but I am beginning to believe I might come out of the process alive after all.) Death has been on my mind because, if I lived...

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Shirley Franke: ‘Til We Meet Again

When I passed my PhD exams in 2008, I took a much-needed vacation before launching fulltime dissertation work. My travels took me to see some old college friends in Knoxville, Tennessee, and while their presence would have been more than enough balm for a weary soul,...

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How to Read a Biblical Story

The Bible is full of stories – more properly called narratives—and most people don’t give a second thought to how they should be read. They’re stories, for crying out loud. Who doesn’t know how to read a story? Why are you wasting Web space – and my time – on this...

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